Noah's Birthday countdown

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley
Longhorns Steakhouse

Thursday, March 27, 2008

First day as Family of 3!!

Today was court, it couldn't have gone any better. It only took about an hour and can you believe I done all of the talking ang just about all of the questions were addressed to me.Yeah, I loooove to talk.
We went and picked up Noah as son as court was over.It was time for him to eat lunch but they wouldn't let him eat because of getting car sick, so he was starving ehen we got to the hotel. He ate and then we started to long process of nap time. He was so tired but could't fall asleep so finally I layed down and layed him on my chest and he was out like a light. That was only after trying numerous things. He is in to everything but is such a big helper because he knows where everything is and belongs. We are about to go eat supper so I'll talk with all of you later or in the morning.
Thanks so much for all of the comments, we cherish your thoughts.

oh yeah- He is calling us mamma and daddy now for everything and he is already starting to understand what we are saying to him.
I want to send pics so bad but we can't until the 10 days are over.please be patient.


Amy said...

Yea!!!!! It's over. All the waiting and waiting and waiting is OVER!!! We are so happy for ALL 3 of you! Just want to share something VERY interesting..... Last night at my house we had a bible study with alot of my family members and at approx. 7:40 p.m. we were taking up prayer request which is the way we always start our bible study and Shane gave not a prayer request but a PRAISE report that yall were getting Noah......anyway, while we were giving them the details, Susan calls me saying "AMY....THEY GOT HIM, THEY GOT HIM, IT'S OVER, THEY GOT HIM" It was a wonderful phone call. She sure sounded like a PROUD GRANDMOTHER! Just thought that was God's way of letting us know he has his hand on this! Still prayin for ya! We Love you! Amy

Logan and Collin said...

Leslie, so glad things are falling into place for you finally. That's really great! By the way, what size does Noah wear?

Michelle Joseph

Heather said...

I am sooo happy. How did he sleep his first night with you guys? Have you had to tackle bath time yet? How does he do in a car? Emma and Sara Kate can't wait to meet him. Brad's mom went on and on last night about how you'd better bring him over while she's there. We just can hardly wait for you to get home.

Jessica Farley said...

That is so awesome to hear. Praise God! I stayed up late last night to check the blog to see if ya'll posted anything late. I can't wait to see and hear him. I feel as though I've already known him for years. I can't believe ya'll are a mom and dad. Right now- I know this feeling makes everything all worth while. Enjoy and live it up.
Keep us posted. Love ya-Jessica

Nikki said...

WOO HOO.....
I'm ready to take off and run and shout. Praise the Lord! I have been praying for the court time to go smoothly & the time to get Noah to get there sooner than later. I am so excited for y'all. I can't believe he is already saying Mommy & Daddy, and communicating with you two. He is such a big boy and completely prepared for his new parents huh? We miss y'all so bad. It's odd not being able to talk to you about it all, but I am so tickled you are able to keep us posted via email/computer. Thank the Lord for the technology huh? We are constantly thinking of y'all & can't wait to see the Housley Family of 3 and review all of the pics, videos and stuff.
Noah was meant to be your child, and you two were meant to be his parents....God is AWESOME isn't he. Well worth the wait!

Now you can focus all of your attention on your son instead of worrying when the call will come to go get him.
We love y'all & are praying for you.
Patrick & Nikki Revell
*Please give him hugs & kisses for us and tell him we love him.