Noah's Birthday countdown

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley
Longhorns Steakhouse

Friday, September 28, 2007

We 're in Moscow, Russia!!!!

Hey to everyone, just wanted to let you all know that we made it fine. We we'lll be spinding the night here at the Holiday Inn, in Moscow. It seams to be very very nice so far. The plane trip was great as far as turbulance but the food and trying to sleep was terrible!!! The trip was 10 hours long from Atlanta to Moscow and it felt like 20. Our driver met us at the airport and was really nice. He will be picking us up tomorrow at 4:30 and taking us back to start our jurney to Vladovistok. That is another 10 hours on the plane that we are not looking foward to , but we'll be fine. We will arrive in Vlad on Sunday, and Monday we'll go meet the Ministry of Education. He will then let us go meet our son that same day.We hope to be visiting him daily.

Sorry that we had to keep it short today, but we can only be on the internet for 30 minutes today and 30 minutes tomorrow. Maybe whe we get to Vlad we will be able to tell you more. We love ya'll and we will be keeping you posted.


susan hicks said...

Daddy and I are sooo!!!!! glad that yall and finally gotten on land ( for a while anyway) We are so excited for yall to go to see Noah. Give him a great big kiss from his Nana and Papa. We love yall and already miss you like crazy. Peanut says Hi! She is great and spoiled. We love yall...Mama and Daddy

Heather said...

Hey you guys. Praying for you and wishing ya'll the best. Noah? Love it.

Melissa said...

Yay! Glad you made it to Moscow. You probably won't get this before you leave, but our flight from Moscow to Vlad was SO much better than ATL to Moscow. For some reason Delta didn't come through for us, while Aeroflot did.

Did you stay in the Holiday Inn Sokolniki? I canNOT wait to hear more about your trip when you get home! For now, I'll just stalk your blog! :)

Melissa said...

P.S., who was your driver? Vitaly?