Noah's Birthday countdown

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley

Josh, Leslie and Noah Housley
Longhorns Steakhouse

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Waiting for the travel dates.

Today I talked to Karen (our contact person) nothing much new going on. She still seams to think that we should travel the first week in October, although we have no official travel dates yet. We are trying to be patient but that's starting to change. I hope we will here something soon because going by their timeline, if we travel the first week in October then we will not go back for our second trip until 4-5 months later in February or March. That's already long enough to wait considering we turned our paperwork in to our agency in August of 2006. We heard that Russia was a difficult country to work with but we never thought it would be like this. To anyone who would like to adopt a child in Russia prepare to wait at least 5 years on a female and 2-3 years on a male.(just a warning) We are trying to cherish our time together while we are waiting but my gosh it's been 10 years that we have now been married and we are ready for this child. It is true that you should cherish that time that you have alone. We have gone on numerous vacations this past year, Gatlinberg, Pensacola Beach, Gulf Shores, New York but nothing gets your mind off of your child.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Welcome to blogland!! :) Your blog looks great! And yes, the waiting really stinks. I hope it'll get shorter for you!! ((hugs)) Call me anytime!

p.s., sorry I couldn't talk for longer the other day; my brother-in-law & niece were over.