I can finally say that we are settled down. We are so happy to have Noah in our lives and already can't imagine how it was without him. He fills our days with something new everyday. He is such a busy busy boy. I know everyone says that their kids change their lives and that you will never be the same after having kids but you can't begin to wrap your brain around that idea until you have experienced it for yourself.
I never realized how much fun I could have and how much joy that a little boy can bring into your life. Noah is HILARIOUS, for those of you who have not met him yet, let me just tell you some of his antics. As you can all understand little boys do not like to hear that it is night-night time. He usually goes
to sleep with not too much of a fuss, but sometime just the sound of those words start the crying. Every morning when I go in his room to get him out of his bed he is already sitting up waiting on me to walk in so he can say "good morning". Well he obviously knows those words have something to do with getting out of bed. Now, every night when he gets out of the bath tub he starts telling us good morning or even if he hears someone say sleepy or bed he starts saying it. It's so funny because he knew that got him out of bed in the morning time and had come to the conclusion that it would work at anytime of day.
Noah being interviewed on 94.1 wzbq.Noah's Spider man Birthday party:
He's 3 now and loving every minute of it. We had his 3 year old party here at our house. We had planned for it to be a swimming party but we had gotten rain from morning until dark that day from one of the hurricanes in the Gulf. We had about 25 people attend so we were pretty packed in our house. Nevertheless we still had plenty of fun. Noah got so many nice gifts including a power wheel jeep from his Nana and Papaw. Thanks to everyone who attended the party and or helped me during the party.
Noah being silly
My, My How he has grown:
We measured his height and weighed him as soon as we got home and couldn't wait to see how quickly he would grow in his new environment.He was at 32 inches in April and he is now 34 1/2 inches tall , he weighed 24 lbs in April and now he weighs 27 1/2 lbs, way to go Noah. Not only is hie growing physically but mentally as well. His is also doing much better with the attachment issues that he displayed earlier. It was hard to believe the Dr's when that said all of those things would be changing that fast but they are and I can't wait to see how he is after his first "Gotcha Day" anniversary March, 23 09.
Our son in the child that we both had always dreamed of. He has amazed us , surprised us, scared us and completed us . I never knew how much my life would change but I can defiantly say it has changed for the better and I will never look back. I can't wait to see what else Noah has got up his sleeves but I know it's going to be good
Thank you for finally updating the blog...I check all the time. Love beach pics and especially the Mohawk!!! Have fun and good luck w/everything tomorrow.
Hi Guys.....
It is Lisa, and I just came across this address in my records. I was pulling tax stuff for my accountant! I took a minute to see how things are going with Noah and both of you. All is well with us, and Wyatt is doing good. It has been a while since you updated, did you decide it was to much or are you updating elsewhere? Check our blog out if you have not been thre in a while www.meachams3.blogspot.com. Everyone looks happy, and healthy!!!!!!!
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